How To Get a Baby To Stop Grinding Teeth
Posted on May 8th, 2024 | Christopher Neal
Do you hear that? It sounds like your baby is grinding their teeth again. Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can start at any age but is most common in babies, toddlers, and young children. According to studies, the prevalence of bruxism in kids ranges anywhere from 6% to nearly 50%.
There are many potential reasons a child might grind their teeth. But if you’re concerned about your child’s bruxism, don’t worry—we’re here to help. Keep reading as we discuss the causes of teeth grinding and offer tips on how to get your baby to stop grinding their teeth.
Why Do Babies Grind Their Teeth?
There are many potential causes of infant teeth grinding, including pain, stress, misaligned teeth, and dehydration. If your child is in pain, it could be due to an ear infection or teething. If their teeth are misaligned, this can irritate the jaw muscles and lead to bruxism.
Stress and anxiety are other common triggers for teeth grinding, and your baby may grind their teeth as a way of expressing their unease. Exposure to secondhand smoke is another risk element in the development of childhood bruxism. Studies indicate that even limited exposure to secondhand smoke can increase the likelihood of kids grinding their teeth.
In some cases, babies who are teething may simply grind their teeth out of curiosity. Additionally, some medical conditions like cerebral palsy can cause teeth grinding, as can certain medications.
How to Stop a Baby From Grinding Teeth
If you’re concerned about your child’s teeth grinding, there are some things you can do to help.
Offer Them a Cold Teething Toy or Wet Washcloth
If your child is teething, they may grind their teeth to relieve the pain. One way to help with this is to offer them a cold teething ring or wet washcloth to chew on. Doing this can help numb the area and provide some relief. Fortunately, many kids outgrow bruxism once their baby teeth have fully erupted.
Ensure They Are Getting Enough Fluids Throughout the Day
Dehydration is a common cause of teeth grinding, so ensure your child gets enough fluids throughout the day. Of course, water is always the best option, but you can also give them juice or milk. Also, try mixing water with juice or milk to make it more palatable.
Make Sure They’re Getting Enough Sleep
Sleep deprivation can also lead to teeth grinding in children, so make sure your little one gets enough sleep. A good night’s rest and regular daytime naps will help to reduce stress and promote relaxation.
Talk to Their Doctor
If you think your child’s teeth grinding may be due to a medical condition, talk to their doctor about it. They may be able to recommend treatment or medication that can help. Doing this can also rule out any potential medical causes of the teeth grinding.
Reduce Their Stress
If stress is the cause of your baby’s teeth grinding, there are some things you can do to help lower their stress levels. These include spending more time on soothing activities, like reading a book together or singing to them, reducing screen time, etc.
Adopt a Calming Bedtime Routine
Setting up a calming bedtime routine for your child can greatly reduce their stress levels. In turn, they may stop grinding their teeth during sleep. Make getting ready for bed a fun, soothing process. Run a bath for your child, read them a story, stick to a regular bedtime, and make sure they avoid caffeine a few hours before bed.
Visit Chicago kiDDS Pediatric Dentistry
With these tips in mind, you can help your baby stop grinding their teeth. However, if the problem persists or you’re concerned about your child’s bruxism, visit Chicago kiDDS Pediatric Dentistry.
Our experienced and compassionate pediatric dentists can help diagnose the cause of your child’s teeth grinding and recommend a treatment plan. We’ll also work with you to help protect their oral health throughout their life. We are one of the most trusted pediatric dentists in Palos Heights!
Contact us online or call (708) 448-6700 to schedule an appointment.